Newbie here!
(too old to reply)
2022-09-07 02:51:29 UTC
Hello everyone!
I recently found this group after Googling dragonkin communities. I've been feeling lonely lately and wanted to communicate with other dragonkins.

Here's a little about me......
I'm cisgender female, 33 yrs old, pronouns she/her.
I awakened in July of 2017, but I've had shifts for as long as I can remember.

Hands felt like paws since I was 5. Ran around like a wolf when I was that age up to about 12 years old, then puberty got in the way, lol. My parents thought it was just a phase, but even though I don't do that anymore, I still feel different inside. Like there's something in me dying to get out and reveal itself.
I also had a mini freak-out in high school when I was resting my feet in gym class. I had taken my shoes off and was massaging my feet, when I suddenly panicked, wondering why my feet were missing a claw (inner heel, like where a dew claw would be).
My shoulder blades itch all the time, and no amount of washing, lotion, or anything seems to help. I've gone without a bra for days, thinking that was the problem, but it still doesn't help. I asked my now ex-partner if they could see any bumps or feel anything but there is nothing. It may be just a medical problem I need to get checked out, but with the other shifts I have I still have to wonder if it's wing shifts.
I've snapped my teeth at people in my sleep when they have touched or poked my face. It's involuntary and I honestly don't know any logical reason why a human would do that.
I've meditated in the past but didn't like what I saw and heard. I'd rather not try that again.

I have no idea how the dragon code works but I would love to find out to tell everyone about my kin self.

Ok, that's about it for now. Please tell me about yourselves and ask me some questions!

2022-09-09 18:42:24 UTC
Post by MotherOfDragons
Hello everyone!
Hello Elenya!!

So glad that you found the group! I look forward to getting to know you & hope that you have a great time here with the group!

Here's some info/links regarding the dragon code if you'd like to peruse it! https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Dragon_Code

Dragon Code: DC2.D Gf L3218.69m W T PhPaPwPlPt Skh,wl Cpu--@Ccy!|
Cag^,eCbl_  Bic/Bwa/Bwi/Bst/Bzz A+++ Nw Mv++ O H+ $ Fo+ R++ Ac++ J
+ S U++ I# V++ Q E++ Df++
